A Cornish Escape by Jenny Kane

A while back, I read an earlier edition of Jenny Kane’s A Cornish Escape, and thoroughly enjoyed it. When I discovered the book’s idyllic new cover, I just had to read it again. What a treat in the time of pandemic! Chicken soup for the soul!

A Cornish Escape isn’t just about romance. It is also about loss, recovery, starting over, and many acts of basic human kindness. It doesn’t feature only the young and the beautiful. There is a wide spectrum of characters, including the elderly who are portrayed with great sensitivity. Stan is my absolute hero, and he is no spring chicken!

If you’re feeling slightly under the weather and a little bit stuck in emotional lockdown, warm your heart up with that lovely story. It is well written with beautiful descriptions of Cornwall which are vivid enough to make you feel, just for that one fleeting moment, that you are actually there.

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