The Tides Between by Elizabeth Jane Corbett


The story – ‘The Tides Between’ – is led mainly from the point of view of a young teenage girl, Bridie Stewart. Set in 1841, the story follows Bridie as she and her family set to emigrate to Port Philip. This means that most of the story takes place aboard the ship, the Lady Sophia, amongst all its passengers heading for the new world.

The character Bridie is someone who another young teen, like myself, can easily empathise with and relate to. In an attempt to juggle the demands of the oncoming responsibilities that come with transforming from child to an adult, Bridie finds herself hiding in her Father’s book of Welsh fairytales. The plot is engaging as you can explore different characters’ perceptions and back stories.

The writing is descriptive and well reflects the time period. I felt transported in time and place. The use of Welsh fairytales helps further contribute to the overall colourful writing.
I would definitely consider reading another book from this author. 4.5*

Review written by Haley Evans (14) who as a little girl also traversed the same tides, but in the opposite direction (from New Zealand to Britain).

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